Here are some quick videos by our founder Roger Arrick to help you get started with modular synthesis. We also recommend checking out our Youtube channel where you can find 100+ of these videos
Introduction to Modular Synthesizers
Five minutes gets you an overview of what a modular synthesizer is and a basic patch example.
Voltage Control
Voltage control is the most important concept to understand about modular patchable synthesizers. It's simple and powerful.
Pitch and Gate
Pitch signals control the pitch of oscillators using the 1-volt-per-octave standard. Gate signals indicate an ON/OFF condition like pressing a key or triggering an envelope.
Envelopes are signals that make sound change over time. Envelopes control filters (VCF) and amplifiers (VCA) and more.
Waveforms and Harmonics
Sine waves are smooth like flutes and sawtooth waves are brassy. Harmonics are the key.
Amplitude and Polarity
Amplitude of a signal is its volume. Polarity of a signal can be normal or inverted. Reversible attenuators explained too.
Basic Synth Patch
A simple patch to get you started. Step by step. One oscillator, a filter and other goodies to make it all work.
Where does the sound come out?
Everybody has this question but won't admit it :)
7 Common Patching Mistakes
Everyone learns these one way or another.
- TR Wrote: Thank you DotCom for spreading appropriate, well-produced information!
- YM Wrote: Great tutorials and synths. The color-coded fonts and the tshirt fashion show are brilliant as well.
Tutorial Videos by Module
Q182-RP20 Ribbon Controller
Q106/Q106A Oscillator
Q107/Q107A Filter
Q108 Amplifier
Q117 Sample & Hold
Q119/Q119A Sequencer
Q119 Sequencer Basics Video
Q119 Ratcheting Video
Q119 Stage Timing Video
Q124 Multiple
Q124 Multiple Basics Video
Q124 Multiple Connecting Outputs Video
Q128 Switch
Q960 Separating Gates from the Q963
Q960 Ratcheting
Q171 Quantizer and Q172 Quantizer Aid
Q173 Gate Math
Q174 MIDI Interface
Q174/Q175 MIDI Interface Basics Video
Q174 Add Input Transposing Video
Q174 Pressure Video
Q175 MIDI Interface Aid
Q174/Q175 MIDI Interface Basics Video
Q179 Envelope++
Q179 Envelope++ Tour
Q179 Envelope++ Envelope Curves
Q179 Envelope++ Arpeggiator
Q179 Envelope++ Quantizer
Q179 Envelope++ LFO
Q179 Envelope++ Daisy Chaining
Q179 Envelope++ Bar Counting
Q179 Envelope++ Gate Dividing
Q179 Envelope++ Random Voltages
Q179 Envelope++ Done Output
Q179 Envelope++ Velocity
Q179 Envelope++ Patch Tip
Q960 Sequencer
Q960 Overview
Q960 24-Steps
Q960 3rd Row Timing
Q960 Audio Oscillator
Q960 Gate Merging
Q960 Arpeggiator
Q960 Gate Length Control
Q960 Gate Cross-Patching
Q960 Dual Sequencers for 48 Steps
Q960 Gates from Row Knobs
Q960 vs Moog 960
Q960 Random Patterns
Q960 Ratcheting
Q960 Ratcheting with one oscillator
Q960 Separating Gates from the Q963
Q961 Interface
Q960 Gate Length Control
Q960 Gate Merging
Q962 Switch
Q960 24-Steps
Q960 Dual Sequencers for 48 Steps
Q960 Gate Cross-Patching